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Take Action! ADS Bill

Have you benefited from acupuncture? MA residents please take 2 minutes to help us expand access to acupuncture for folks in recovery! See action steps below. “An Act Relative to Acupuncture Detoxification Specialists.” bill is currently in the Joint Committee on Health Care Financing and we only have 2 weeks to get it out.The ADS bill would allow licensed health professionals with training to practice the NADA ear acupuncture protocol, a safe, powerful tool in addiction recovery. MA is the only state in New England yet to pass an Acu-Detox Specialist bill. Action Steps (2 minutes):#1) create email addressed to the committee member emails below#2) put ” Support House Bill #H2284/Senate Bill #S1520: “an Act Relative to Acupuncture Detoxification Specialists.” in the subject line#3) copy sample email text below and insert your info, edit it as you will#4) send it off! Thank you for helping us expand access to the NADA protocol today! Committee emails: Chairs:Cindy.Friedman@masenate.govJohn.Lawn@mahouse.govVice Chairs:Harriette.Chandler@masenate.govJay.Livingstone@mahouse.govOther members:julian.cyr@masenate.govpaul.feeney@masenate.govJohn.Keenan@masenate.goveric.lesser@masenate.govPatrick.OConnor@masenate.govlindsay.sabadosa@mahouse.govChristine.Barber@mahouse.govSteven.Ultrino@mahouse.govBrian.Murray@mahouse.govjon.santiago@mahouse.govPatricia.Duffy@mahouse.govKip.Diggs@mahouse.govThomas.Golden@mahouse.govHannah.Kane@mahouse.govMathew.Muratore@mahouse.govLeonard.Mirra@mahouse.govSAMPLE EMAIL TEXT:Subj: My name is __________, I am a Massachusetts resident and [SHARE YOUR BACKGROUND OR CREDENTIALS RELATED TO MENTAL HEALTH, ADDICTION, ACUPUNCTURE, ETC]. I support House Bill #H2284/Senate Bill #S1520 called “an Act Relative to Acupuncture Detoxification Specialists.”Ear acupuncture is shown to have a positive impact on mental health, especially related to addiction.The outer ear is a safe place to put sterile, single-use, hair-thin needles – especially when the person putting them there is a licensed health professional, with training by the National Acupuncture Detoxification Association (NADA) or a similar group.This bill would allow specific licensed health professionals to receive this training and then be able to legally administer the 5 point NADA protocol in Massachusetts as Acupuncture Detoxification Specialists (ADSes).Health professionals need every tool they can get to help fight addiction. This is a cost-effective way to help them help others. Massachusetts is the only New England state without a law providing for ADSes.Restricting the 5 point NADA protocol to being administered only by licensed acupuncturists severely restricts access to this treatment. This bill is supported by the Acupuncture Society of Massachusetts.Please vote this bill favorably out of the Joint Committee on Health Care Financing as soon as possible.Thank you!!!

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