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Acupuncture for Cyclists Workshop

Acupuncture For Cyclists Workshop

Attention Boston area cyclists! Join us for a free workshop on Saturday, July 14, Learn how acupuncture can address injuries to help keep you biking.

Ren Pilinger is a licensed acupuncturist at OSCA and long time employee at Ferris Wheels Bike Shop. He presents research  on acupuncture  for common cyclist concerns. Ren will answer your questions, and give demo treatments.

Reserve your spot at the Acupuncture For Cyclists Workshop by signing up online – just click here.

Please spread the word!

July Discount for Cyclists

Open Space Community Acupuncture offers vocational specials each month. In July, cyclists get $5 off their acupuncture treatments. Our regular sliding scale drops from $20 to $15, and first time visits drop from $30 to $25. Book online anytime with our handy scheduler.

2 thoughts on “Acupuncture for Cyclists Workshop”

  1. Lauren Elizabeth Milazzo

    I would like to find out more information about how the community acupuncture works. Can we set up a phone call sometime?

    1. Hi Lauren, because we operate on a budget to keep our services affordable we have no desk staff. We encourage you to look through the website and then book an appointment to experience community acupuncture. We hope to see you soon!

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Open Space Community Acupuncture